I am Isabell, the creative and craftswoman behind the ceramics studio Dahlia In Clay.
The excited smile on my face is me in a state of immense gratitude for what I get to do! Creating pottery for your homes is what I love and it fills me with joy every day.
I moved to New Zealand from Germany in 2015. My pottery journey began with growing flowers for friends, local florists and event designers in 2018. But pretty soon I realised I never had enough vases to hold my flowers and at one stage life required that I earn an income to support my son and I, so Dahlia In Clay was born in 2020.
I had been introduced to pottery by Julia Neumann and a few friends and I fell in love with working with clay because of its softness, the ability to restart and the way you can shape it into such incredible forms in all its different stages.
The work with clay was flexible and home based, perfect for our life. The path was there infront of me and I began wandering down it with great enthusiasm and enjoyment and I continue to do so to this day.
I am learning how to run this small business along the way which can be a little challenging, especially the bookwork, but it is fun and worthwhile as it allows me to be with my son or pottering in my studio which is based at our home, the things which I simply adore.
I explore whatever emerges from my hands when throwing clay, but initially starting with vases and then went a little wild and gave all the things I could imagine a go! That includes plates, bowls, dishes and platters to show scope of products but also because I cannot get enough of exploring the shapes and purposes of kitchenware ceramics.
I have always had a clear aesthetic vision; using just white clay and clear glaze. For me its more about the form than the glaze and add ons!
I am passionate for creating bespoke ceramic works, every day utensils and pottery for special occasions.
I draw inspiration both from the local environment and an eclectic mix of places and ideas, exploring beauty both in symmetry and free form designs. While my work generally favors a minimal, delicate style, I love to experiment with both small batch and one-off creations. If you are interested in collaborating or a bespoke piece just for you or a loved one, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with me. Please feel free to follow my work on Instagram. Made with love from me to you.
Again, thank you for being here. For reading this far, for your support and interest in my work, you make this life possible in which I am able to do what I love and be with my son, all at the same time.